Sunday, November 29, 2009

What if it rains?

Here is a scenario I have seen happen quite often.

All the plans are in place for a beautiful outdoor wedding. Chairs for guests are in place, the alter is decorated with beautiful flower arrangements, everything looks bright and colorful. Until….the thunderclouds roll in and the sky opens up!

Most professional wedding consultants will have “Plan B’ in place just in case this happens. Unfortunately, most Brides and Grooms do not hire professional consultants. I have seen everything from umbrellas being held over the couple’s heads, to services moved to the family garage when the monsoons set in. We live in British Columbia, mainly rain forest. It rains almost every weekend in May and June. In fact, I have seen years where it rained every weekend through the entire summer. If you are getting married outdoors, make sure you have “Plan B” in place! It can be a tent, a room in a nearby building, (hopefully not the garage!) or even a gazebo.

Now, you have taken care of “Plan B”. What about your photographer? Trust me on this one; if you have not hired a professional photographer, then “plan B” can end up looking more like “Plan 9 from Outer Space:”!

When I book with a couple to photograph their wedding one of the first things I do is discuss where photographs can be taken in case of bad weather. This can be the Church building, a hall, a home or a meeting room at the banquet hall. It is very important that this be a place that is not going to be accessible to all the guests. There is nothing worse than turning a relaxing photo shoot into a paparazzi filled spectacle with well intentioned, but distracting guests taking away from the intimate atmosphere required for great portraits!

Having a plan in place is just one part of the job at hand when it rains. Will your photographer be properly equipped to professionally produce quality images? On camera flashes, or a single separate flash do not cut it in these situations. Proper professional lighting is a must, and in some cases backgrounds may be needed to cover unsightly elements in a room. When I arrive at a shoot I have a full portable studio with me. This includes proper lighting and backdrops, and more importantly, the expertise to use them.

Ask your photographer what their “Plan B “ is in case of bad weather. If their answer is to “play it by ear” or “wing it” then they are all wet….just as you will be on your wedding day if they have no plan!

Hiring a qualified professional photographer will ensure that, no matter what the weather, you will get great photos.

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